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Posts published in “Tips Category: Steampunk Curses


“I’d should like to say it’s been a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Alas, honesty forbids it.”


“What in tarnation is wrong with you? Were you perhaps dropped on your head in your youth?”


“By the rusty cogs and sprockets of the sooty city’s clockwinder, the next time the clock on the city tower strikes one… I hope it…


“How could you be so utterly incompetent? I swear, you couldn’t pour water out of a boot with instructions printed on the heel.”


“I don’t make a habit of engaging in mental combat with the unarmed, but by cog, I’ll make an exception for you.”


“Take heart, my good fellow. You are not a complete idiot. Some gears inside your noggin are obviously missing.”


“Please, I implore you! Be quiet. I’ve heard wittier banter from the gargoyles of Notre-Dame.”


“You incompetent fool! You couldn’t douse a fire if you were standing on the bottom of a lake.”


“By the brash & brassy buttons of the local mutton-monger’s weskit- I shall dash your every last hope in the coming year.”


“By the tattered ribbons of Miss Havisham’s dancing slippers, I swear I will thwart thee in all of thine uncouth endeavors.”