I’ve been using TinyLetter to send you newsletters – but I’ve received notice that the service is being discontinued as of February 29th. Already, they’ve cut off the ability for new people to subscribe and have limited the functionality of what I can do – I can’t add links, imbed graphics, or do any formatting, so this newsletter will be brief.
I’m working on setting up a new system that I can run myself. It will be housed in my author website, “The Brassbright Chronicle” ( https://brassbrightcity.com ). I have exported a list of all my subscribers onto my hard drive, so if you had subscribed, don’t worry about re-subscribing, I’ll do that for you! I’ll also be moving all my previous newsletters to an archive area at my website, in case anyone ever wants to look back at them. As if December isn’t already busy enough, right?
If you want to subscribe to the new incarnation of the newsletter, for now you can email me and I’ll add you to the list. The first newsletter from the new system will be sent in the new year. Until then, I wish you all a marvelous holiday season! And if you are on Facebook, I’ll see you at https://www.facebook.com/
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